Pour chaque article Adolie acheté, les bénéfices sont reversés à l'ONG PLAN INTERNATIONAL FRANCE

The Simones in english ...

THE SIMONES is before all a tribute to a major and notable figure of feminism allover the  world.

Simone de Beauvoir, a philosopher and writer struggled for women's rights allover the course of her life.


We also think of Simone Veil who made so much for the women's right to control their own body.

This  name Simone resonates in our hearts. 


Moving the lines is our main objective,  promoting equity, self-love, sisterhood, pushing empowerment and gender equality.


How ?

Through inspiring Instagram account @the_simones : a space of liberty that spotlights artists, men and women  who acted or are acting nowadays for real equality. Interviews of involved people in equity's fight, portraits, and inspiring photos or pictures will bring you daily good vibes.


the-simones.com is a clothing line of meaningfull Tees dans sweaters as well; We chose acute mantras so that together, our voices sound stronger !


Behind the curtain, The Simones is led by tow young passionate and committed women who shake the codes and  struggle for a universal equality.

"we are found of those, women or men, who fight for a better  just , beautiful and good world. We sincerely think that feminisme is a shared concern ; Men and women together, in a same progress to a better future!